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Gallerie ouverte seulement sur rendez-vous  0613057243

Galery opened on apointment only (33) 613057243

Programmation de la saison 2014-2015 à venir

Programme of 2014-2015 season available soon

The Lab and Appolon Galley is an  Innovation’s Artist-in-Residence and Affiliate Artist programs  dedicated to supporting artists regionally, nationally and internationally and promoting contemporary art. Fusing a regional character with a national and international perspective, the Center is a place where artists work, conduct research and where exhibitions introduce a variety of contemporary art and social practices. The Center’s goal is to present art and artists in a way that engages and enriches the community, through the creative process during open studios, engagement initiatives, exhibitions and educational programs.

Exposition du photographe David Munoz

Vernissage le Samedi 13 Septembre 2014 à 1 8Heures


© 2014 "le lab"



Chateau de la Feuilleraie

10, Chemin d'Appolon

95320  Saint leu la Forêt

T  /  (33) 613057243


Coordonnées GPS : N 49° 1' 13.9326'   E 2° 15' 0.4824

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