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Journal du cinéphile lyonnais


All the News about Cinema in Lyon ! 








Nouvel Ecran


Grouping of news around cinema, series and short films.








L'avis du public


Cinema, blog, series ! 







Doc Ciné


Criticism blog on film and series, News about cinema










News and critics on cinema and series







Ma cervelle a brulé


An oasis of cultural ressources for artists and art lovers.

This magazine explores society's tendencies and highlights independant initiatives

as to promote culture to the widest audience.      












Chronicles, critics and news about cinéma. 







Café Comptoir


THE launch pad to write and publish your own articles !







Ciné Média 


The Ciné-Média blog offers you film or series critics and news as well as

DVD and Blu-Ray tests and ratings and many contests.







Des films et des mots 


"Le cinéma, c'est l'écriture moderne dont l'encre est la lumière." Jean Cocteau.

(Cinema is modern writting and its ink is lightning)






Silence ... Action !


Cinema, film critics, blu-ray tests, news, shorts .... Action ! A cinema blog

by Dominique Maury Lasmartres.







Culture et débats


"Contribution subjective à une mémoire gaie"

Blog de Jean-Yves Alt (Subjective contribution towards a joyful memory) 











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